Table of Willamette Valley Native Host Plants
By Bruce Newhouse, January 2001
Type | Common Name | Latin Name | Sun | Part shade | Shade | Wet | Avg | Dry | Comments | Availability |
Tree | alder, red | Alnus rubra | Y | Y | Y | Y | Vigorous. Prefers to be near stream. | N; C | ||
Shrub | ceanothus, redstem | Ceanothus sanguineus | Y | Y | Y | Beautiful red stems, white flower clusters. | N? C? | |||
Herb | checkermallow, Cusick's | Sidalcea cusickii | Y | Y | Y | Y | Sim. to meadow checkermallow; darker pink, moister site. | N; S | ||
Herb | checkermallow, meadow | Sidalcea campestris | Y | Y | Tall, with light pink spikes of flowers. | N; S | ||||
Herb | checkermallow, rosy | Sidalcea virgata | Y | Y | Similar to meadow checkermallow, but shorter. | N; S | ||||
Shrub | cherry, choke- | Prunus virginiana | Y | Y | Also a good bird food plant. | N | ||||
Herb | cinquefoil, slender | Potentilla gracilis | Y | Y | Y | Can handle slightly moist areas; bright yellow flowers | S | |||
Herb | everlasting, pearly | Anaphalis margaritacea | Y | Y | Y | Also a good nectar plant. | N; S | |||
Herb | heart, bleeding | Dicentra formosa | Y | Y | Y | Prefers moist. Sole host plant for clodius parnassian. | N | |||
Herb | lomatium, fernleaf | Lomatium dissectum | Y | Y | Y | Y | Finely divided leaves, small flowers. | S | ||
Herb | lupine, many-leaved | Lupinus polyphyllus | Y | Y | Y | Or streambank lupine (L. rivularis), for dry habitat, sun. | N; S | |||
Herb | lupine, streambank | Lupinus rivularis | Y | Y | Y | Short-lived perennial. | S | |||
Tree | maple, bigleaf | Acer macrophyllum | Y | Y | Y | Fast growing. | N; S | |||
Herb | milkweed, showy | Asclepias speciosa | Y | Y | Also a good nectar plant; forms patches. | N; S | ||||
Herb | monkey flower, yellow | Mimulus guttatus | Y | Y | Y | Likes low, damp ditches; OK with flower bed irrigation. | S | |||
Herb | mugwort | Artemesia douglasiana | Y | Y | Y | Forms 4' tall patches; flowers small, leaves w/silvery cast. | S | |||
Herb | nettles, stinging | Urtica dioica | Y | Y | Y | Not good near small children; best in "back corner" | S | |||
Tree | oak, California black | Quercus kelloggii | Y | Y | Eugene is north end of this species range. | N? | ||||
Tree | oak, Oregon white | Quercus garryana | Y | Y | May grow 2 feet/year; oak mistletoe also a host plant! | N | ||||
Shrub | oceanspray | Holodiscus discolor | Y | Y | Y | Forms dense shrub also revered by birds. | N | |||
Shrub | rose, Nootka | Rosa nutkana | Y | Y | Prefers slightly moist. | N | ||||
Herb | strawberry, broadpetal | Fragaria virginiana var. platyphylla | Y | Y | Makes handsome ground cover. | N; S | ||||
Herb | vetch, American | Vicia americana | Y | Y | Y | Somewhat sprawling – not erect. | S | |||
Herb | violet, early blue | Viola adunca var. adunca | Y | Y | Y | Becoming rare in our area. Avoid non-local seed. | N; | |||
Herb | violet, stream | Viola glabella | Y | Y | Y | Often likes slightly moister than average. | N; S | |||
Tree | willow, Scouler's | Salix scouleriana | Y | Y | Y | Small tree; upland substitute for wetland willows. | C | |||
Herb | wintercress, American | Barbarea othoceras | Y | Y | Y | Not much known about cultivation. | S | |||
Herb | yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Y | Y | White flowers; also a good nectar plant. | S | ||||
Availability: | C = Cuttings, N = Nurseries, S = Seeds | |||||||||
Compiled by: | Bruce Newhouse, 2001 |