Ochoco Count 2024 Report


On Saturday June 29, Sue Anderson led the 35th annual Ochoco Butterfly Count in the Ochoco National Forest near Prineville. It was the largest group of people who had ever done this count (about 20 people) but also some of the worst weather. It was maddening that the day before and the day after the count had warm sunny weather with many butterflies out. On count day, the sun barely peaked out of the clouds all day, and on our drive back to the starting point it even rained a bit. The participants split into two groups with Sue leading the southern group and Lori Humphreys leading the northern. Despite the weather, we were able to find 36 identified species and 477 individuals.  See complete list below:


Common NameLast NameFirst NameCount
Lorquin's AdmiralAdmiralLorquin's1
Great ArcticArcticGreat8
Arrowhead BlueBlueArrowhead2
Boisduval's BlueBlueBoisduval's9
Greenish BlueBlueGreenish45
Lupine BlueBlueLupine1
Melissa BlueBlueMelissa2
Silvery BlueBlueSilvery1
Square-spotted BlueBlueSquare-spotted5
Western Tailed BlueBlueWestern Tailed27
Snowberry CheckerspotCheckerspotSnowberry46
Mourning CloakCloakMourning10
Blue CopperCopperBlue29
Edith's CopperCopperEdith's14
Purplish CopperCopperPurplish12
Field CrescentCrescentField145
Mylitta CrescentCrescentMylitta6
Western Pine ElfinElfinWestern Pine2
Callippe FritillaryFritillaryCalippe1
Mormon FritillaryFritillaryMormon3
Silver-bordered FritillaryFritillarySilver-bordered5
Zerene FritillaryFritillaryZerene1
Fritillary sp.Fritillary sp.4
Gray HairstreakHairstreakGray3
Juniper HairstreakHairstreakJuniper5
Hairstreak sp.Hairstreak sp.1
Common RingletRingletCommon28
Common Checkered SkipperSkipperCommon Checkered13
Sonoran SkipperSkipperSonoran1
Clouded SulphurSulphurClouded1
Queen Alexandra's SulphurSulphurQueen Alexandra's1
Western SulphurSulphurWestern20
Anise SwallowtailSwallowtailAnise1
Western Tiger SwallowtailSwallowtailWestern Tiger1
Becker's WhiteWhiteBecker's2
Cabbage WhiteWhiteCabbage1
Western WhiteWhiteWestern5
Small Wood NymphWood NymphSmall14
Wood Nymph sp.Wood Nymph sp.1
Total individuals477
Total identified species36


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