Table of  Willamette Valley Native Host Plants

By Bruce Newhouse, January 2001


TypeCommon NameLatin NameSunPart shadeShadeWetAvgDryCommentsAvailability
Treealder, redAlnus rubraYYYYVigorous. Prefers to be near stream.N; C
Shrubceanothus, redstemCeanothus sanguineusYYYBeautiful red stems, white flower clusters.N? C?
Herbcheckermallow, Cusick'sSidalcea cusickiiYYYYSim. to meadow checkermallow; darker pink, moister site.N; S
Herbcheckermallow, meadowSidalcea campestrisYYTall, with light pink spikes of flowers.N; S
Herbcheckermallow, rosySidalcea virgataYYSimilar to meadow checkermallow, but shorter.N; S
Shrubcherry, choke-Prunus virginianaYYAlso a good bird food plant.N
Herbcinquefoil, slenderPotentilla gracilisYYYCan handle slightly moist areas; bright yellow flowersS
Herbeverlasting, pearlyAnaphalis margaritaceaYYYAlso a good nectar plant.N; S
Herbheart, bleedingDicentra formosaYYYPrefers moist. Sole host plant for clodius parnassian.N
Herblomatium, fernleafLomatium dissectumYYYYFinely divided leaves, small flowers.S
Herblupine, many-leavedLupinus polyphyllusYYYOr streambank lupine (L. rivularis), for dry habitat, sun.N; S
Herblupine, streambankLupinus rivularisYYYShort-lived perennial.S
Treemaple, bigleafAcer macrophyllumYYYFast growing.N; S
Herbmilkweed, showyAsclepias speciosaYYAlso a good nectar plant; forms patches.N; S
Herbmonkey flower, yellowMimulus guttatusYYYLikes low, damp ditches; OK with flower bed irrigation.S
HerbmugwortArtemesia douglasianaYYYForms 4' tall patches; flowers small, leaves w/silvery cast.S
Herbnettles, stingingUrtica dioicaYYYNot good near small children; best in "back corner"S
Treeoak, California blackQuercus kelloggiiYYEugene is north end of this species range.N?
Treeoak, Oregon whiteQuercus garryanaYYMay grow 2 feet/year; oak mistletoe also a host plant!N
ShruboceansprayHolodiscus discolorYYYForms dense shrub also revered by birds.N
Shrubrose, NootkaRosa nutkanaYYPrefers slightly moist.N
Herbstrawberry, broadpetalFragaria virginiana var. platyphyllaYYMakes handsome ground cover.N; S
Herbvetch, AmericanVicia americanaYYYSomewhat sprawling – not erect.S
Herbviolet, early blueViola adunca var. aduncaYYYBecoming rare in our area. Avoid non-local seed.N;
Herbviolet, streamViola glabellaYYYOften likes slightly moister than average.N; S
Treewillow, Scouler'sSalix scoulerianaYYYSmall tree; upland substitute for wetland willows.C
Herbwintercress, AmericanBarbarea othocerasYYYNot much known about cultivation.S
HerbyarrowAchillea millefoliumYYWhite flowers; also a good nectar plant.S
Availability:C = Cuttings, N = Nurseries, S = Seeds
Compiled by:Bruce Newhouse, 2001


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